Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bake again and again...

Pau time, again.. Aliff, the pau eater (that's what he called himself) asked me to make pau again. Nasib baik inti kentang ada lagi. As I hv bn talking abt pau, I think it wud be good to share the recipe. Here you go...

500gm tepung gandum
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp garam
2 tsp instant dry yeast
1 tbsp gula castor
2 tbsp shortening (or margarine)
250ml air suam

1. Campur semua bahan kering kecuali dry yeast dan gaul rata
2. Dah rata, baru masukkan yeast dan gaul lagi (tip: yeast tak boleh mix terus ngan garam, nanti yeast mati)
3. Masukkan shortening/marjerin dan gaul rata (tip: shortening membuatkan pau warna putih)
4. Masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit dan uli doh sampai licin dan tak lekat kat tangan. Knead lama sikit untuk lebih ringan dan lembut
5. Ketepikan doh dan tutup ngan kain lembap or cling wrap sampai doh naik 2x ganda (lebih kurang 1hr)
6. Dah naik, punch (tumbuk) doh untuk lepaskan udara yang terperangkap
7. Bulat2kan dan letak inti
8. Letak atas daun pisang or kertas minyak for another 30 mins supaya naik lagi
9. Steam for 10mins. Kalau guna Trio steamer, tak payah boil the water dulu, just letak dlm steamer, set timer for 10mins, and on.

1. Jangan buka masa steam
2. Pastikan air tidak menitik atas pau semasa buka penutup to ensure smooth surface.

Believe it or not, Aliff made another request for choc moist cup cakes. So, I ended up with another baking that evening. Anyway, it's the Father's Day, so why not! So, here is the outcome.. quick and simple bc deco as it was already 6.30pm.


I luv this recipe so much which I use for cc sale, too. Don't mind sharing as rezeki Allah yang tentukan. Wanna give it a try? pls do, my dear..

Choc Moist Cake:
1 cwn koko (I normally use Tudor, so shtould reduce to abt 3/4 cwn)
2 cwn air panas (utk larutkan koko)
3 cwn tepung gandum
250gm butter
2 cwn gula (I use 1 cwn gula castor, 3/4 cwn brown sugar)
4 eggs
1/3 cwn susu pekat manis
3.5 tsp baking powder
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Larutkan koko dlm air panas, ketepikan
2. Satukan tepung, baking powder dan bicarb soda, ketepikan
3. Pukul telur dan gula sampai kembang (low, then med speed)
4. Masukkan butter sedikit demi sedikit dan pukul lagi dengan med speed
5. Masukkan vanilla essence
6. Masukkan tepung yang telah dicampur baking powder and soda bicarb. Gaul rata, low speed
7. Masukkan larutan koko dan gaul rata. Ia agak cair.
8. Masukkan susu pekat dan kacau lagi
9. Bake in a pre-heated oven (175oC) for abt 45mins untuk sebiji kek or 20 mins for cup cakes (adjust temp and time according to yr oven)

1. Blh guna self-rising flour. Kalau takde, gantikan dgn tepung gandum with baking powder i.e 1 cwn tepung : 1 tsp baking powder. Resipi kat atas, I lebihkan 1/2 sudu.
2. Jangan pukul terlalu lama lepas masuk tepung, nanti bantat
3. Kalau oven yang kurang rata kepanasan, boleh pusingkan tray tapi make sure do that selepas at least 1/2 dari masa memasak.
4. Boleh ganti butter ngan buttercup dalam tin untuk buat cup cake. Hasilnya lebih cantik..

Selamat mencuba!!
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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mencari aksesori for gaun dan promo plan

My back pain came back.. I believe I need an ergo chair just like the office one (my prev co is really concerned about empl. ergo, seriously!!). Anyway, went to a GP, was prescribed w muscle relaxant which made me feel high for 3 days.. that's how drug addicts feel, kot? I guess, need to see a chiro or specialist. Bila sakit ingat hosp, tapi bila nak pegi, rasa ok plak.. pyschology.

This week, bz sourcing for materials.. Did some research on China wholesale, nak cari insan yg sudi tlg beli lace, accessories like button, headbands untuk my biz. Sth that goes with baju gaun kanak-kanak yang I jual tu. Apart from that, tengah strategize on the upcoming event i.e tea party cum promo for the gaun kanak-kanak, kurung, jubah dewasa as well as tempahan for cookies, muffins and cup cakes. InsyaAllah jadi kalau dapat approval from the Mgmt Comm of my condo. Will update in my fan page "Lovely Kidz Closet" if everything goes as per plan. So, yang ada kat Penang Island, pls keep checking my page, ok.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My sons' favourite

Pau again! My second boy, Aliff really likes pau. Dunno how many times I bake pau for the past 3 weeks. Berbaloi-baloi beli Trio steamer, tersangat mudah tak perlu panaskan air dulu, and it has big capacity. Look at it, isn't it yummy!! so gebu.. Ni pun dah tinggal separuh.

My eldest like muffin, so baked him muffins. Dah 2x baked within the 2 weeks of school hols. I improvise skit the ori recipe by adding yogurt and nutella. I like this muffin so much. Jusssttt nice to my taste. Sorry, lupa lagi nak snap pics.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A short trip to Sg Petani

Feel sorry for my sons that I couldn't make a proper plan this school holidays. So, an ad-hoc trip to water theme park, The Carnivall Sg Petani should make them happy. Half-a-day activities; wet and dry made them very tired, most importantly they enjoyed themselves. Ambik kesempatan pi shopping kain kat SP. Visited Gulatis, Jakel, Kamdar & Nagoya, but couldn't find what I really wanted i.e purple cotton materials for a dress (maxi) dan 1 gaun purple (checkered pattern). Need to deliver by end June. InsyaAllah, boleh.
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Weekend activities

Niece and nephew mai Penang, so bz as a host. Sempat jugak jenguk iFoodEx @ Pisa, itupun dah lewat, arnd 5.30pm on Sun. Less crowd, and exhibitors started to pack up their stuff. Among the prods; junk foods, drinks, curry powder, packed food, chinese nyer stuff. Rasanya ramai yang dok rasa sample dari membeli. Half-way, then cabut dah, nothing much for me.

Received and email from an Indian friend from India. He just moved to Penang for biz expansion, and is still  looking for a place to rent out. Unfortunately, my own apartments are being rented out, so I did recommend few places to him. Talking about properties, a tenant called up on Sat to inform about clogged bathroom, Urgghh!!! Told her to find drain unclogger first, if it doesn't help, then will have to call a plumber or I need to be there to see what the problem is. That's just one of the challenges of property management.
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Friday, June 3, 2011

Customer order

Just delivered a custom order maxi to a customer. She's very happy with the dress altho' her daughter wasn't around to try on. Proceeded to Kamdar to look for purple checks and the same  purple floral design that I bought in KL, tapi tak dak, frust aje...
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Thursday, June 2, 2011

A quick bake

My friend and her granddaughters came over to check out on 'Lovely Kidz Closet' collection, as well as to custom order 3 flower girl dresses. Err.. did I tell you that I'm in this biz now? Sure, I did. So, I decided to bake a simple recipe (not simply bake), i.e muffin (thanks to kak wati for the original recipe). Just modify the recipe a lil bit, I replaced fresh milk with diluted condensed milk. Initially, wanted to use evaporated milk, but noticed all 4 cans expired on 13 May 2011, what a waste!. Instead of plain, I use Steffi blueberry jam and Nutella as the fillings. Dah nak abis, baru ingat nak snap photo..
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My activities last week

Extremely bz week for me. Did a prep for karnival Bank Rakyat @ Sg Petani. Plan nak jual cookies, donuts, cup cakes, and of course the baju kanak-kanak; gaun, baju kurung, baju melayu and some jubah/pant suits. Must think big, rite? Tapi sudahnya, hanya sempat buat 1 jenis cookies, choc moist cup cakes and those baju2.. perghh!! Penat ya Rabbi, maklum lah I did everything by myself, maid dah balik 4 bln lepas, tunggu maid baru tak nampak btg hidung (kn tipu ngan 2 agents). Tidur pkl 3 pagi sampai siap clean up the kitchen. Semangat mesti kuat, Yes!!

Sale?? Alhamdulillah, altho I expected more to come. My friend's muffin (we shared the booth) sold well. She bakes 2 types of cookies, alhamdulillah semua cookies kitorang habis. Just the cup cakes yang lembap sikit mcm rasanya, choc moist.. I sold the cc for RM2.20 then down to RM2.00 pun orang kata mahal, siap ngan casing lagi.. Cuba cari kat mana jual choc moist cc dgn harga tu siap ngan buttercream deco and casing. The taste? yg beli and I give for free kata sedap, very moist and tender. Hmm.. ada yg mintak cc for RM1 mcm muffin, adoi penatnya!

Stop sat.. nanti I'll load the cookies, muffin & cc pics.
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Salam perkenalan

.. akhirnya, terhasil juga blog ini setelah sekian lama busy dengan new chapter of my life. Salam perkenalan untuk yang sudi stopping by my blog. Inilah landasan untuk berkongsi experience, minat, ilmu, etc..

Almost 2 bln tidak lagi menjadi 'money making machine (3M)' orang lain. Building my own 3M. Keputusan nekad to quit my job in a giant manufacturing company maybe tak bagi kepuasan in $$$, but I get the FREEDOM!!! Being with the family, and do what I love doing, follow my dreams before it becomes a nightmare.. insyaAllah everything will turn out well. 

Few friends ask whether I miss my job? Do I? Hmm.. perhaps not really, but I miss the $$$. Tough decision, and different challenges await me out there.. Be determined, and think BIG! Usaha & tak lupa doa kepada Allah kerana Dialah penentu segalanya. I'll do my best, and leave to Allah the rest..
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