Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So much to accomplish this week!

Pheww!! finally I managed to distribute about 200++ flyers for the sales event at Tadika Koop Minden, USM on 28th July from 3.30pm to 6.30pm. Some hiccups during printing, hope it's worth the effort. Great bargain, offers up to 25% discount at as well as for the event tomorrow. Check out the ads in the web and fan page Lovely Kidz Closet. Before that, I need to squeeze time to housekeep the inventory and do some tagging for tmw event. Whooow, still a lot more preps for such a little time. I need a break!. I'm exhausted but still happy :-)

As I'm blogging, my mind is constantly thinking about the orders for the girl dresses and baju kurung. Hv bn hunting for materials since 2 weeks ago, but seems really couldn't find the right ones.. I have less than a month to deliver all the orders. Nak kena pi merayau lagi this Friday. InsyaAllah, will find something nice for my customers.

Just to mention that last Sat, I met Mamazieza (one of the famous bakers on the net). All the while, dok kenal those bakers and cooks from their blogs and facebook. So, happy to meet her as we have the same interest.. and she's friendly. Actually, pi jumpa dia pasal tempahan coklat. My niece nak kawin tp lambat lagi, so ni kira choc tasting lah as we're still comparing the taste and price.

.. time to masuk dapur for cooking and baking. Period. Titik. Noktah!
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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Immigration oh immigration!!!

I was down with body aching, on and off fever for the past 5 days. Cudn't sleep tight at nite, sengal satu badan. Blood test showed no traces of dengue.. alhamdulillah. Anyway, had to pick-up my new maid at Penang Airport on Tue nite. Gagahkan diri. True enuf that it wasn't a smooth-sailing process, the maid was detained. I knew it! Dun wanna babble here, but let me just tell you that it was a tiring process to get inside the arrival hall, pas tu kena bayar RM40 untuk escort and RM2 for the visitor pass (RM1/person - I insisted to go in w my hubby).
Masuk kn pulak left n rite ngan Immig Officer kat situ. She asked for the form which I didn't have. Actually, I don't even know that I have to prepare the form upfront for social visit entry maid. Garang mcm singa gak kakak tu, dah letih agaknya (sangka baik je lah). Told her that when I called up Immig. Sbrang Jaya asking for the proc of bringing a maid using Social Visit, takde lak di bgtau kn prepare the form.. letihnyalah deal ngan gomen ni.. Agaknya kesian tgk muka sposen yg demam ni, so lepaslah jugak after hearing (not listening) her long nag. Thank you je lah cik puan oii..
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Monday, July 11, 2011

Maid oh maid!!

Hari ni ejen Indon bgtau Imigresen MY tak benarkan calling visa bcoz of the pemutihan aktvt.. Adoi, pulak dah. I called up Imigresen last wk tanya psl maid takde pun bgtau camtu. Alternatively, boleh bawa msk gn social visit then buat JP then flw the normal process na apply work permit. JP tu kn byr RM515 (?), konon cam denda lah.. That's all I was told. Tadi ejen kata, nak msk gn social visa, kn bw duit 'tunjuk' RM1.5k, imigresen nak tgk to prove that those Indons come to visit/shop and not to work. My fren pun ambik dr ejen yg sama, she herself experienced this. Maid dah sampai Penang airport, kn tahan 3 hari then dihantar balik ke Indon sbb takde duit. Nak jamin pun tak boleh..Hai mcm2 lah plak Imigresen ni. Keep my fingers, toes crossed!!
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good time together with my cousin

Plan for this week nak try roti yogurt kismis Mat Gebu. Then, my cousin, Kak June called, nak ambil Aliff untuk temankan Rayyan pergi Queenbay (QB) playland. I decided to join them, so that Aliff can play with Rayyan and I can spend time with K.June. Sempat prepare roti kismis tp tak sempat nak bake as it was quite late. So, 4.15pm we arrived at QB. We left the boys at playland, and 3 of us (K.June, bibik (k.june's maid), and I) headed for Old Town Kopitiam for chatting.
K.June had to rush home for solat Asar and I stayed with the boys. Kul 7.45pm, kitorang pi makan kat Pizza Hut, pastu hantar Rayyan balik.. Rayyan insisted kitorang masuk, so we did, and thot it would only be for 30mins. Guess what, the boys cont'd to play games and we too had a gud time 2gether. Sedar tak sedar, dah pkl 2pagi. So much to catch with each other.. Why?? We had not seen each other before, and that was just the 4th mtg in our life as cousins. Syukur alhamdulillah, now I have a sister in Penang!
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Tea Party cum Sales Event

Alhamdulillah, the tea party and sales event went well altho it was only for 2 hours. Ready made dresses and kurung terjual, pastu dpt 7 lagi tempahan utk baju kurung dan gaun. Berbaloi tak cukup tidur dan keletihan berkejar ke sana ke mari.. Kul 4pm, sampai kat Pusat Jagaan Murni Mesra, setup the place with K.Wati. Then rush to pick up Aliff from school. Back to the event again.. . Was quite worried initially coz dun see many parents/guests coming. Anyway, at 5.30pm we started to become octopus.. tak sempat nak melayan all the guests.. Keletihan yang berbaloi-baloi tengok semua food yang disediakan almost habis. We had good sales for our cookies, cup cakes, muffin, and corn custard, too. Thanks to Kak Teh and staff @ Pusat Jagaan Murni Mesra for allowing us to use their place for the event. Thanks ALL!!
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Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm like an octopus..

Last week was a bz week, started off with the girl dresses sales plan and promotion, son came back from Langkawi and brought along a friend, and visited a foreign friend who had just migrated to Penang.

Have been having sleepless nites due to adrenalin rush on biz and passions. My proposal for a tea party cum promotion for the girl dresses, gowns, baju kurung at my place was rejected by the condo mgmt committee. So, I looked for an alternative to have it somewhere else, perhaps on a small scale. Alhamdulillah, found a place at a day care center, Pusat Jagaan Murni Mesra @ Minden Heights (behind SK Minden Heights). The event will be held on Wed 6th July, starts from 4.30pm when parents start picking up their children. It's also open to public. Some light refreshments will be provided. I updated the event in my fb fan page 'Lovely Kidz Closet'. So, do drop by if you are just around Gelugor, Bayan Baru dan kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya. You're all welcomed!!

Pity my son and his friend that I'm unable to pay full attention to them due to my packed schedules. Anyway, they were bz with their school assignment, so not too bad. Squeezed time and managed to bake pizza and choc muffins for them (again, no photos). Breakfast is a must but lunch normally have to buy from outside as I wasn't around and no maid to help in the kitchen. On Thursday, sent them to Queensbay for movies. While they were at QB, I went to visit my friend, Amar and his family. Had been postponing the visit few times, and finally we met. A lot to catch up. We even talked about his company expansion in Malaysia. So, I'm very eager to help him with the new office setup as property matters is my passion. We started to explore and understand the MSC requirements and the hunting begins from there.. Ahhaa.. at the same time, my tenant called to remind that she will be moving out by end of July. Right before I posted an online ads, alhamdulillah, a potential tenant called up. Hopefully, she can confirm by next Friday.

Back to baju kanak-kanak (mostly baju budak perempuan) yang I jual tu, hmm.. peritnya nak jual online ya. Visitors ramai tp buyers not so. Camana nak convert them into buyers??. Bila tgk org boleh buat online sale mcm bagus je, hairan gak. But anyway, it's not apple to apple comparison as my baju kanak-kanak tu semuanya home-sewn dan boutique quality, not bulk manufacturing production. I really appreciate if customers contact me to ask for details before they make any judgement. How to get online customers to shop with confidence??? Sape leh tolong, habaq mai? Biasanya, kalau offline they can really appreciate baju-baju yang I jual tu. Bila customer tengok baju-baju, dresses, gown and baju kurung tu, dia orang suka dan puas hati dengan design, kualiti kain dan workmanship. Nak kn belajar lagi ni..
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