Sunday, August 7, 2011

Biskut Raya

Coming to 2nd week of Ramadhan, sana sini bz ngan biskut raya. Kat Tesco Jelutong, ada new booth jual biskut raya and baju melayu/kurung. Cantik jugak banyak melayu, harga pun boleh tahan. Kueh raya pun nampak sedap-sedap. Ada tu yang harganya hmm mahal jugak tapi maybe bhn2 yg digunakan pun yang berkualiti.

Tahun ni nak cuba jugak ambik order biskut raya. Tahun2 sebelum ni buat untuk sendiri dan kaum keluarga aje. Alhamdulillah start getting orders from sahabat2 di surau Bayswater. Almaklum, depa dah tau the taste of my cooking and baking and of course I gave them samples, too. InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki, nak letak kat kedai kawan di Bayan Baru. Maybe letak 3-4 jenis; biskut suji brunei, cornflakes crunchy,  chocolate chips (ala famous amos), biskut jagung rangup. Lain-lain biskut just for personal orders from friends and relatives. Kalau ada yg terbaca dan berminat nak order, you can contact me. Jenguklah kat facebook and website for my contact# / email addr. Boleh beli baju raya anak sekali.. tak gitu?

Moga Allah memberkati usahaku ini.. aaamiiiiinnn.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Plan my work and work my plan!

3rd day of Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah terasa kenikmatannnya.

Hmm.. this week am gonna be bz w few projects in real estate and clothing biz; office setup - site visit and reno plan, house reno plan, tenants in and out, finalized dress materials for customers. What about cookies? Oh ya! just started buying the containers, still contemplating on the type of containers. Well, this time round is for biz, so need some considerations on this and that.

Oppss!! Friday the 5th will be my hubby's bday. Should I bake a cake or pulut and rendang, then boleh bawa ke surau for makan2 after terawih. Hope, I hv time to think and make it happen!

Walau camanapun bz, pastinya Ramadhan ini kita mempunyai priority yang tersendiri.. Moga rahmat Allah sentiasa bersamaku.. aaamiiinnnn.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to take care of cotton dresses?

Some basic tips on taking care of cotton dresses (or, any type of materials). Most of us know, but do we care?? Let's make your purchase worthwhile by taking a good care of them. Here, you go..
1. It's recommended to pre-treat any stains prior to washing with proper detergent or stain remover
2. For non-colorfast materials, you can either was same colors together, or wash separately
3. It would be best to hand-wash or dry clean your dresses, especially if they have embroidery and accessories on them
4. For embroidered dresses, turn inside out when washing to preserve the embroidery
5. Avoid tumble dry, else it comes out all wrinkled and lacklustre
6. To get rid of the wrinkles, it's better to iron the dresses when they are slightly damp, or use starch spray for cotton dress
7. Avoid bleaching. Oh no! You got bleach on your lovely dress? Quickly rinse the spot with cold water and blot it with a paper towel.
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Monday, August 1, 2011

Marhaban ya Ramadhan

Marhaban ya Ramadhan, bulan yang dinantikan bg umat Islam yg bertaqwa. Inilah peluang kita melipatgandakan ibadah di bulan suci ini. Jika sebelum ini kita leka dengan urusan dunia dan melalui Ramadhan dengan bersahaja, marilah sama-sama kita muhasabah diri supaya amalan Ramadhan kita tidak sia-sia.. Bayangkan diri kita berada di bumi suci Mekah yang mana terasa Allah begitu dekat dengan kita, tidakkah kita harus merebut peluang ini yang seumpamanya. Ya Allah, janganlah jadikan Ramadhan ini yang terakhir buatku dan berilah aku kekuatan iman dan fizikal untuk menghadapi setiap detik Ramadhan ini... aaamiiinnnnn.
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