Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kenapa FB sangat bagus untuk bisnes anda

Pasang komputer, facebook juga yang dibuka dulu. Tak sah kalau pegang komputer, tak buka facebook kan? Makin ramai yg berniaga kat facebook. Kenapa ya? Ni antara sebab2 nya..

01) Ratusan Juta Pengguna Facebook Tau tak bahawa rakyat Malaysia merupakan antara pengguna teritinggi di dunia dan Asia. So, prospek lebih tertumpu dan luas.

02) Facebook Ads Iklan kat facebook lebih tertumpu dan boleh disasarkan kepada niche tertentu cth umur, jantina, lokasi, etc..Kat mana lagi ada yg seumpama dengannya? Entahlah.. Walaupun berbayar, tapi kalau kena tekniknya memang berbaloi-baloi. Iklan pun takde lah mahal sangat, kita boleh set bajet kita.

03) Facebook Mobile Semakin banyak gajet yang dilengkapkan dengan aplikasi media sosial seperti Facebook. Apple, Samsung, Nokia dan banyak lagi, kini memasukkan aplikasi media sosial ke dalam produk keluaran mereka. Cuba perhatikan, ramai jer yg update atau akses facebook guna mobile devices. So, facebook is so accessible anywhere, anytime.

04) Facebook Bersifat Viral Anda post/komen kat fb, rakan fb anda pun tau. Bila ada orang klik like kat page anda, rakan kepada orang tersebut pun tau. Bila orang komen kat pos promosi anda, prospek lain pun blh tau dan mungkin berminat nak beli sama, dan begitulah seterusnya.. So, ianya boleh jadi promosi direct atau indirect.

05) Pengguna Facebook Lebih Percayakan Rakan Mereka Pelanggan baru amat sukar mempercayai kita, tetapi apabila rakan mereka mengatakan kita adalah usahawan yang boleh dipercayai, dari situ mereka akan mula yakin untuk membeli daripada kita. Mereka mungkin akan bertanya rakan-rakan mereka dahulu, bertanya di Group yang mereka sertai ataupun membaca tulisan rakan-rakan FB mereka. Selain daripada itu, apabila mereka melihat rakan-rakan lain berinteraksi di Fan Page kita, ia akan menyebabkan mereka juga mahu turut serta dan ambil tahu mengenai kita.

Banyak nyer nak citer, register je lah kat sini, anda dapat FREE info ttg pemasaran fb. Lebih cepat anda belajar ttg pemasaran fb ni, lebih cepat and berjaya buat biz kat fb, insyaAllah. Kita hanya berusaha..
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jika anda berminat menjadi guru

Kerjaya guru sebenarnya amatlah mulia. Besar amanah yang dipikul. Ilmu yang disampaikan juga insyaAllah boleh menjadi pencen akhirat juga.

Tahukah anda bahawa kerjaya guru di Malaysia bermula dengan lulusan SPM sahaja? Mungkin rahsia ini tidak ramai yang mengetahuinya kerana beberapa sebab seperti tiada sumber informasi seperti buku rujukan khusus, tidak dapat mengikuti perkembangan pendidikan semasa, dan tiada sumber yang tepat. Hanya dengan menggunakan kelulusan SPM, seseorang individu itu tidak perlu menempuh laluan sukar bagi mengejar impian untuk menjadi seorang guru. Kalau anda lepasan SPM atau lulusan yg lebih tinggi, mungkin panduan ni boleh tolong anda. Selain SPM, 8 lagi saluran perguruan yang memungkinkan anda mencapai cita2 murni tu.

Panduan ini ditulis berdasarkan informasi kerjaya guru yang terkini. Ini juga adalah hasil pengalaman daripada seorang yang bergelar guru juga, so sudah tentunya sangat berkesan.

At a glance, objektif panduan ni:
1. Ditulis berdasarkan keperluan semasa kursus perguruan.
2. Mengandungi informasi lengkap 9 saluran kursus perguruan yang jarang diketahui di Malaysia.
3. Mengenalpasti kursus perguruan tajaan KPM dan KPTM.
4. Membantu individu yang berminat mendapatkan informasi kursus perguruan dengan pantas.
5. Menyediakan saluran alternatif bagi individu yang tidak dapat menjadi guru dengan kursus perguruan sedia ada.

Selamat memilih kerjaya yang terbaik untuk diri anda!
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Muslimah & Fashion - Trend vs Syariat

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Friday, March 16, 2012

MATTA Fair is back! Book online, NOW till 20th March..

MATTA Fair is back! Can't go? Browse for travel deals here instead! #MAS: In conjunction with MATTA Fair 2012, MAS is having special offers for lots of exciting destinations! Booking period from now until 20 March 2012. Book today!
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through Facebook & Twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

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Do the Dew! Drink more Mountain Dew, u can win prizes like smartphones, cash & 4x4! #DewMoreWinMore

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Share ur time & guidance & be a 'Kakak Angkat' to an orphaned girl with #SinarCahayaku today!

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Now you can keep track of your habits and learn how to live healthier with #GreatEastern

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

The 15 Best Fat-Burning Foods

1. Walnuts

All nuts do contain some amount of the omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid, but most only contain trace amounts.
The real fat hero in most nuts is mono-unsaturated fats. Walnuts are actually a rich source of omega-3s.
One ounce provides almost 3g of alpha-linolenic acid.

2. Ginger

Used for centuries to help relieve digestive upset/disturbances, ginger can also help reduce inflammation, boost blood flow to muscles and aid muscle recovery.
It has also has been shown to boost calorie burn when eaten.

3. Oatmeal

This very slow-digesting carb keeps blood sugar and insulin levels low, so fat burning can stay high.
In fact, research has shown that athletes who consume slow-digesting carbs in the morning burn more fat throughout the entire day and during workouts than those consuming fast-digesting carbs.

4. Avocado

The mono-unsaturated fats found in avocados are burned readily for fuel during exercise and actually encourage fat burning.
Avocados also contain a very interesting carb called mannoheptulose, a sugar that actually blunts insulin release and enhances calciumabsorption, both of which are critical for encouraging fat loss.

5. Salmon

This fish is one of the richest sources of the omega-3 essential fats EPA and DHA. Unlikeflaxseeds, which provide a type of omega-3 that has to be converted into EPA and DHA, salmonprovides your body a direct supply of them with no conversion required.
This way you know you're getting a direct supply of the fats that turn on fat burning and block fat storage.

6. Soybeans (Edamame)

Soybeans are the direct origin of soy protein, which has been shown to build muscle as efficiently as other forms of protein like whey and beef.
Soy has also been shown to aid fat loss, possibly by decreasing appetite and calorie intake.

7. Water

This just may be your best ally in fighting bodyfat. Studies have shown that drinking 2 cups of cold water can boost metabolic rate by 30%.
It has been estimated that drinking about 2 cups of cold water before breakfast, lunch and dinner every day for a year can burn 17,400 extra calories, which translates into a little more than 5 pounds of bodyfat!
8. Flaxseeds
They contain the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha linolenic acid. These omega-3 fats have been found to turn on genes that stimulate fat burning and turn off genes that increase fat storage.

9. Grapefruit

A study from the Scripps Clinic (San Diego, California) reported that subjects eating half of agrapefruit or drinking 8 oz of grapefruit juice three times a day while maintaining their normal diet lost an average of 4 pounds over 12 weeks - and some lost more than 10 pounds without even dieting!
Results were likely due to grapefruit's ability to reduce insulin levels and to a chemical in grapefruit known as naringin, which prevents fat from being stored in the body.

10. Honey

Yes, it's a sugar, but it's fairly low on the glycemic index. Keeping insulin levels low and steady is critical for maintaining a fat-burning environment in your body.
Honey is also a rich source of nitric oxide (NO) metabolites; ultimately, that means it actually encourages fat release from the body's fat cells

11. Peanut Butter

Another source of helpful mono-unsaturated fat that can actually aid fat loss. What's funny is that many food manufacturers make low-fat peanut butters!
Of course, they replace these healthy mono-unsaturated fats with carbs, namely sugar. Avoid these and stick with natural peanut butters that don't add the type of fat you surely want to avoid - trans fats.

12. Eggs

Yes, we listed eggs in the muscle-building foods. So how can it also be a fat-burning food?
Research supports the notion that those who start their day with eggs not only eat fewer calories throughout the day, but also lose significantly more bodyfat.

13. Chili Pepper Flakes

Hot peppers contain the active ingredient capsaicin, a chemical that can enhance calorie burning at rest as well as reduce hunger and food intake.
The boost in calorie burn is particularly enhanced when capsaicin is used with caffeine.

14. Broccoli

This fibrous carb doesn't provide many net carbs or calories, but it can make you feel full - one reason why it's a great food for getting lean.
Broccoli can make you feel full - one reason why it's a great food for getting lean.
Broccoli also contains phytochemicals that can help enhance fat loss.

15. Olive Oil

Like avocados, olive oil is a great source of monounsaturated fats.
Not only do they lower levels of the "bad" type of cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health, but they're also more likely to be burned as fuel, which means they're less likely to be sticking around your midsection.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Merangkak dalam Internet Marketing

Alhamdulillah. Hari ni baru siap Lovely Ladiez Wrapz nyer facebook fanpage. Jenuh jugak nak update sana sini, almaklum ler tak kreatif sgt. Actually byk yg I belajar dari Affendi Hussin nyer ebook Hyper Fanpage, pulun 3 hari nak praktikkan apa yg diajar. Some of it, tak sempat buat lagi. I just wanted to get the ball rolling. The rest, will be improved along the way.. InsyaAllah berbaloi sesape beli ebook tu. Newbie like me mmg memerlukan clear, step-by-step instructions,otherwise mmg cepat give-up kalau tak jadi..

Byk sungguh benda nak belajar dlm IM ni, info overloaded. Tak tahu mana nak fokus dulu. Duit dah habis beribu2 dok beli ebook and attend course tp hasilnya msh samar-samar. Tgk org buat duit mcm senang2 je. Satu benda yg asyik disebut2 ialah mailing list. Tapi nak dptkan mailing list kena lah ada imbuhan nyer kan. Logiknya org takkan join cam tu jer.. Bab imbuhan tu yg lembep skit.. camana ek? kena tulis ebook ke? Ada sesape boleh tlg citer skit? Btw, ni nak kongsi free software untuk autoresponder i.e Mailchimp. Rasanya, newbie cam I ni guna yg free dulu lah kot, just to get the feel. nanti labur sana-sini, abuk pun tarak.
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Friday, January 20, 2012

Back in action..

back alive! Hv bn real bz with the new hse, kidz, fixing up old hse for rental and such. Trying to juggle my time b/w biz, family, and household chores w/o a maid. The prev one ran away just 2 days before I moved into the new hse.

My office setup project for a client is finishing by month-end. InsyaAllah, can focus back on the children's dresses, jubah for adult and cookies. Just launched a very simple fan page for the jubah @ Lovely Ladiez Wrapz which focuses on jubah and pantsuits for office wear and haji or umrah. The fanpage is just to get the ball rolling before I embark into a proper website (when??????). InsyaAllah, more to come and at the same time I will secure a deal with a shop in Penang.

For the children's dresses, I'm still hunting for a shop or perhaps, I go with dropshipping concept.

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