back alive! Hv bn real bz with the new hse, kidz, fixing up old hse for rental and such. Trying to juggle my time b/w biz, family, and household chores w/o a maid. The prev one ran away just 2 days before I moved into the new hse.
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My office setup project for a client is finishing by month-end. InsyaAllah, can focus back on the children's dresses, jubah for adult and cookies. Just launched a very simple fan page for the jubah @ Lovely Ladiez Wrapz which focuses on jubah and pantsuits for office wear and haji or umrah. The fanpage is just to get the ball rolling before I embark into a proper website (when??????). InsyaAllah, more to come and at the same time I will secure a deal with a shop in Penang.
For the children's dresses, I'm still hunting for a shop or perhaps, I go with dropshipping concept.