Saturday, November 8, 2014

Tiada lagi Skim Pelajar Cemerlang MARA untuk Fast Track?

Berikutan pengumuman daripada Kementerian Pelajaran yang mengeluarkan larangan penggunaan keputusan peperiksaan percubaan SPM untuk mengikuti program pra-universiti dan asasi di IPTS bermula 2015, ramai ibubapa terutamanya yang anak-anak belajar di MRSM berasa sangat tidak puashati. Bukan setahun dua MARA dok hantar pelajar cemerlang MRSM ke overseas menggunakan trial result, tak payah tunggu keputusan SPM sebenar keluar pun, takde pun masalah rasanya. Kalau adapun, maybe very negligible percentage yang result sebenar tak setanding trial's. My hubby was one of the lucky ones, back in year 1985. To me, itu bukannya ramalan, tapi REAL. Budak-budak tu ambik periksa bukannya cikgu buat forecast. Forecast tu benda yg belum jadi, kalau dah jadi dah ambik periksa, sebenarlah tu..

Actually, my son is one of the impacted students. Luckily, the announcement was made after the trial, so it didn't affect his focus during the trial exams. He really aimed for that scheme. I contacted MARA HQ many many many times but to no avail. Finally, thru my cousin, I managed to speak to MARA State Director. He put me thru pegawai bhgn pendidikan. Unfortunately, pegawai tu pun kata MARA masih dlm proses rundingan dgn kementerian, and I was advised to contact MRSM Langkawi (where my son is studying). I just don't think they have any clue. yang dok dalam pun tak tau..hmm..

I seriously need the info as my son was offered a partial scholarship from Taylor's University based on his mid-term result and such.. Kalau MARA boleh bagi full loan/scholarship, of course that's what we hope for. At this juncture, only Taylor's yang dah bagi offer and we had till Oct 30 untuk accept the offer and pay the booking fee, RM650. Kalau tak jadi ambik Taylor, burn jer lah duit tu.. huhuu.

Alhamdulillah, masa Hari Graduasi MRSM Langkawi on the 1st Nov, kami terima berita baik. MARA dah decide untuk buat program baru, Skim Profesionnal sth sth (to camouflage jer tu) untuk Skim Pelajar Cemerlang (SPC). What a last mins decision, dua hari jer lagi nak SPM. Cikgu pun berpeluh-peluh panik nak bgtau budak-budak suh apply. Kesian kat students, mana nak last mins study, mana nak submit application lagi. Yang parah tu, birth certs mak bapak pun kena attach. Deadline 6hb, bayangkan. Mak bapak yg tak ke mana birth cert tu mesti terlopong, tak pun panik kejap. Alhamdulillah, we made it.

Bezanya Skim Pelajar Cemerlang MARA kali ni, kursus terhad kepada Science & Engineering sahaja. Tiada lagi Medic & Pharmacy. Semua pelajar fast track akan pergi ke Kolej MARA, Kuala Nerang, Kedah. No more collaboration with private universities like Taylor's University, UniKL, MMU, etc.. Itu yang buat hati berbelah bagi sebab my son dah aimed kat Taylor's University for 1+3 program; 1 year kat Malaysia, 3 years kat US.

Masa my son dapat panggilan interview untuk Dean's Award Scholarship kat Taylor's haritu, kitorang satu keluarga pergi. They had the Dean's Award Day which they presented to us about their systems, and facilities in Taylor's. WOW!! We're very impressed with their system and how they mould and prepare their students towards the industry needs; academic performance + character building + leaderships. I could relate to that very much as I was in a multinational company for 13 years.

While I'm writing this entry, I believe my son is busy studying for the remaining papers; Sejarah, Add Maths, Biology, Physics and Chemistry for the next 2 weeks. If you happen to read this entry, please pray for my son's success in this SPM2014. To my beloved son, may Allah protect you and bless you with success in this SPM and future endeavors. Doa mama hanya Allah yang tahu..


  1. So your anak sekarang study mana?

    1. my son kat Taylor's Uni.. MARA offer NZ/Australia tp dia nak pegi US for engineering course.

  2. Salam Puan, boleh tanya, Taylor's program tu anak puan dapat scholarship mana ye? tq
