This convention was supposed to be held in July but was postponed due to Bersih Rally. Hv to bear the losses of airplane ticket and bus ticket. Luckily, the hotel booking can be canceled and refunded. I contemplated whether or not to ask for fee refund or proceed. Finally, I decided to go.
Friday, Oct 21, I took a bus from Butterworth to Shah Alam (actually B'worth-Klang-Shah Alam) due to timing issue. Took a ferry fr Penang to B'worth... wow! almost 10 years I didn't cross by ferry, still the same experience. 20mins to get to B'worth. Reached B'worth 20mins before bus departure, quite kelam-kabut to buy a ticket, then only 10mins to look for food. Adoi! perut dah berkeroncong yg amat sgt. Apa nak buat, dah tak cukup masa, so just grabbed a bun and a bottle of mineral water. Got onto the bus baru teringat kat kek batik that I made that morning (resipi kat bawah), alhamdulillah at least some sweet stuff for energy booster.
I felt the journey to Shah Alam was so long and boring. Worse still, I couldn't sleep. On and off my phone rang. Calls from my contractors, potential tenants, and people asked about my ads on tanah balok untuk disewa.. The bus stopped at Sg Perak for 30mins. Thought I had time for a quick lunch after solat jamak, unfortunately not enuf time. Terpaksa tahan lapar lagi. The driver asked me for the 2nd time whether I'm going to S.A or Klang.
It was already 6hrs 20mins in the bus. It was raining quite heavily, and terrible jam (complete halt for 10mins) coming out from Guthrie Expressway (just another reason I don't wanna live in KL anymore). I had no clue how far more to S.A bus station as the bus should be heading to Klang first... 10 mins later, we reached the bus station. Everyone got down the bus in a heavy downpour, left me alone in the bus. Before the bus driver got off the bus, he told me " duduklah dulu while smiling at me..". 5mins, 10mins, 15mins, the bus still didn't proceed to the next destination. The engine was on, anyway. I called up my hubby, so that the driver and the co-driver will not disturb me. Then, I read al-Quran from my phone. Suddenly, the co-driver approached me and asked "ada orang tunggu ke?. I didn't feel comfortable and a bit cuak, but did reply him " nak pergi Shah Alam, ada orang tunggu". He asked me again. Again, I answered the same. Pastu, dia kata ini lah Shah Alam. WHAT??? Ya, inilah stesen bas Shah Alam. Ya Allah, malunya muka.. (dalam hati, patutlah semua orang dah turun, pastu depa yang turun tu dok tengok2 je kat I yg dlm bas ni). Driver tu cakap lagi, tadi kita tak pegi Klang sebab 2 orang je yang nak pi sana, and dia orang dah tukar naik bas satu lagi yg pi Klang.. antara dengar dengan tidak je apa yg dia cakap tu sbb malu nyer pasal. Cepat2 cakap, sorry ya, thanks sbb bagitau sbb ni 1st time saya naik bas ke Shah Alam. Cepat2 ambik barang and turun bas. Masa turun bas tu, Tuhan je yang tau, nak tergelak pun ada, malu pun ada. Terus lari cari teksi, malu kalau driver tu cam muka.. sah mcm udang kn bakar kalau boleh nampak, nasib baik malam. Saje terpikir, camtu je ke stesen bas ekspress Shah Alam, hmmm...
Sampai Hotel Quality almost pukul 8.30pm.. check-in, solat, dinner, and good nite!
Resipi Kek Batik Biskut Marie
350gm - 400gm biskut marie
250gm butter
4 biji telur
3/4 cawan susu pekat
1/4 cawan gula
1/4 cawan serbuk koko
1/4 cawan air
1 tsp esen vanilla
1 tsp nescafe or 1 tbsp 'kicap kueh' (sebenarnya dah lama tak guna kicap kueh tu, so tak ingat)
1. Pecah 4 biskut marie. Caranya, letak atas telapak tangan dan tekan kat tengah. Biarkan sebentar.
2. Panaskan kuali. Masukkan semua bahan kecuali biskut marie. Masak hingga sebati dan agak pekat
3. Masukkan biskut marie dan padamkan api. Kacau rata
4. Masukkan ke dalam loyang dan tekan supaya kemas, padat dan rata
5. Biarkan sejuk. Then, masukkan ke dalam fridge sebelum dipotong
Ni hasilnya:
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