Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apam Karamel @ Gula Hangus

Ni last minute nyer decision last Friday, buat apam gula hangus utk dibawa ke rumah my auntie. Just drop by masa otw to KL for the 2-day Patrick Chan & Ewen Chia IBL2 seminar. Actually, dah bberapa kali buat apam ni, I really like it, my neighbor, Bes (she's from Macedonia, hubby from Australia) like it too. Sangat2 gebu, not that sweet and just nice.. resipi as usual, taken from Che Mat Gebu (CMG). Normally, CMG suka alter skit resipi asal but I hv no doubt with his judgement and taste. It has never failed me so far. Tima kacih sesangat kat CMG for all the recipes kat blog nyer..tiffinbiru which are always well presented with the the nice themes and pinggan mangkok. Actually, I used to ask mamazieza about him, camana lah agaknya orangnya CMG ni.. gebu ker orangnya? Ok, jom jamu mata ngan rupa apam gula hangus ni. Anyway, just a simple pic w/o deco mcm CMG tu.. You shud try the recipe..

2 biji telur
1 cawan gula pasir
3/4 cawan air
1/2 cawan minyak masak
2 camca besar margarine or butter
2 camca besar susu pekat manis
1 camca teh soda bicarbonate
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
1/2 camca teh esen vanilla
a pinch of salt

1. Masak gula pasir hingga menjadi karamel. Berhati2 tuang air, kacau rata dan masak hingga semua sebati. Sejukkan.
2. Dalam food processor satukan susu pekat manis, telur, marjerin (@mentega) dan minyak, putar hingga sebati. (I guna blender je).
3. Masukkan karamel tadi bersama2 soda bicarbonate dan esen vanilla, putar rata.
4. Tambah tepung dan putar lagi hingga sebati, jika adunan kelihatan terlalu air, boleh tambah sedikit lagi tepung gandum anggaran 1/2 camca besar. (if you flw exactly the recipe guna measuring cup and spoon, 3/4 cups of water is just nice. Bila dah masuk tepung I normally kacau sebati je, tak perlu terlebih blend/mix.
5. Masukkan dalam acuan apam yang telah disapu dengan minyak, 3/4 penuh. Kukus 15 minit atau hingga masak (see above, I guna papercup letak dalam acuan cupcake/muffin tin yg satu2 tu)

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